How to Apply for Jobs When Youre Depressed Out of Your Mind by Annie Duinnin Medium

She has experience in the social impact space in Baltimore, Maryland, the educational museum sphere in Columbus, Ohio, and the literary world of New York City. This can also be an opportunity to explore hobbies that you were too busy to nurture and probably won’t have time for once you land a job, Dr. Maidenberg said. Trying out new things and discovering other talents and interests can help us strengthen our identities and enjoy new sources of fulfillment.

When I was at a conference presenting my data, I never took criticism personally. That’s when I started to fail forward, and within a few more weeks, I got a great job that was a perfect fit for me. The response was very favorable and she agreed to hold on to my resume and call me back when a position that was a good fit opened up. Each time I was rejected, I felt more crushed and demotivated. We appreciate your interest in our company but after careful consideration, I am sorry to let you know we have decided on a different candidate that better matched our qualifications. Each industry interview I had, I studied and practiced as if I was preparing for my thesis defense.

Tips To Help PhDs Overcome Frustration And Depression While Job Hunting

We do not procure employment, recruit for or have employment contracts with other companies, nor do we directly place anyone into employment. We are here to provide you with insights into how to leverage your current skills and market your knowledge outside of academia, and to connect you with PhDs working in industry. Learn about the best 63 industry careers for PhDs (regardless of your academic background). In this eBook, you will gain insight into the most popular, highest-paying jobs for PhDs – all of which will allow you to do meaningful work AND get paid well for it. Keeping track of the connections you’ve made, as well as the last time you contacted them and the next time you plan on contacting them, will help you diversify your job search rapidly.

It may seem much easier to fall into despair, thinking you may never get a job, but instead, consider the fact that you have a world of opportunities ahead of you. Whatever you do, make sure it’s something you’ll look forward to regularly —having a morale boost will do wonders. You can end up spending every day glued to the computer, which only fuels your frustration when you hear nothing positive in return. Don’t lose sight of the effort it takes to transition into a new career.

Final Thoughts on Beating Job Hunting Depression

“It won’t take away from your job hunt, you just simply won’t plan any interviews for that day,” Mahalli says. “It will also help make you feel capable, and that’s important when you’re trying to fight depression”—not to mention when you’re looking for a job. “Walking is an excellent thing that people can do” when they’re feeling anxious, says Cassine, because it’s a way to detach from the grind of the job search and gives you a second to breathe.

  • After submitting dozens of résumés and completing lengthy, annoying and glitchy applications every day without hearing back, it’s nearly impossible to stay positive.
  • In order to make your transition out of academia successful, it’s necessary to learn effective coping mechanisms for staying motivated.
  • Just maximize your chances by having a strong job application and applying to every job you find interesting.
  • Countless days of scouring job boards, submitting résumés and not hearing back can make you feel drained, discouraged and despondent.

Sometimes, I never heard back from the employer or even knew if they had seen my application. Each tailored industry resume I wrote kept me glued to the computer for hours. Sometimes I felt like all of my efforts were for nothing. Worrying about providing for your loved ones can be a serious stressor.

For Employers

93% of candidates experience stress because of job interviews. People also tend to worry and overthink when they don’t hear back from a company after sending their CVs. Anxiety can be a sign of depression if it lasts for a long time and makes your life more complicated than it was before. By having a schedule into your daily job search, you will accomplish something each day, which helps have positive feelings of self-efficacy. Knowing that you are able to accomplish goals you set for yourself can help you stay positive and flip your mindset around.

job hunting depression

By not yielding to job search anxiety, you’re facing your challenges head-on and actively working on your personal well-being. A key tip for how to deal with job depression is to maintain perspective. Keep in mind that while your job search may take some time, it won’t last forever.

It’s important to keep a positive outlook and to create small, specific goals for yourself so that you can see measured progress over time. When you are faced with rejection, learn from it and grow so that you can approach the next application that much stronger. Surround yourself with positive people and refuse to give in to negativity and a victim mentality. Yielding to job hunting depression has several adverse mental and physical effects. By seeking solutions to this common phenomenon, you’re actively working on your personal well-being. If it’s been months or even years and you’re still feeling pessimistic about your job search, it could be time to reassess your career goals.

Why is job searching so frustrating?

Too many reasons to list all, but here a few: too much focus on finding the perfect candidate; poorly written job descriptions; poorly designed interview processes; hiring manager bias; indecisive hiring managers; unrealistic compensation ranges; and the perception of an endless supply of job applicants.

Talking to someone during your job search process gives you much needed emotional support. Reach out to a friend or family member about how you are feeling and why you are struggling. A key tip for how to deal with job depression is to maintain stay positive. Keep in mind that while your job search may take some time. The longer you are unemployed, the more disheartened you become about your prospects for finding a job that you know you will love and enjoy.

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